Dr. Vijay Gupta In the News with Easy Chair Yoga …

Our own Dr. Vijay Gupta has long been an advocate for alternative ways to reduce pain, especially for those who have medical and mobility challenges. It was the inspiration for our Easy Chair Yoga program. See the videos on our Facebook page. The NWI Times also featured Dr. Gupta’s efforts to promote easy chair yoga. See: Chair yoga provides the discipline’s balance, stretching, strength benefits to those with limitations. During this time when many patients who are at high-risk, are staying home, healthy activities can be difficult to do. Easy chair yoga can provide an easy way to raise your oxygenation and heart rate while reducing pain.




Midwest Interventional Spine Specialists (M.I.S.S.) is committed to patient education. We hope this video and resource article provides you with some foundational information to help you determine what questions you need to ask your medical providers and to select the best treatment option for you. To schedule an appointment with one of our spine and pain management specialists, please call 219-836-7246. To see the full list of all of our educational videos, CLICK HERE.